Our Value Creation Model

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DFCC Bank creates value by means of a wide range of interactions, activities and relationships, within the market, regulatory, societal and natural/environmental contexts, in keeping with its Vision, Mission and Values. These include factors, both on-balance sheet, as well as off-balance sheet, which form of a range of Capitals that are continually transformed by the Bank’s activities (Management Discussion and Analysis, pages 42 to 92). Such activities result in outputs (products and services), outcomes (value created by the Bank for itself and for its stakeholders), and impacts. They have a cascading effect across the short, medium, and long term, while providing feedback to grow the Bank’s stock of capitals.

These are affected by trends in the operating environment (page 30), sound governance (page 123) and risk management (page 98) practices, stakeholder engagement and expectations (page 34), materiality (page 39), strategic objectives (page 32), and the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of performance across the Bank.